Categories: DogsSafety

Having Fun With Your Dog in a Heatwave

Philadelphia summers are always hot and humid, but this one is record breaking. Approaching yet another week of weather in the high 80’s and mid 90’s, it’s important to remember that this weather is hard on our cats and dogs just like it is on us. As always, keep fresh, clean water available at all times (remember to keep yourself hydrated too!), and minimize the amount of time your dog spends outside when the temperature starts getting past the mid-80’s. Some dogs can tolerate a bit more heat than others, but especially when it’s very humid outside, higher temperatures can be dangerous for our pets. The mechanisms dogs have for cooling themselves off simply don’t work in high temperature, high humidity environments, so it is especially important to make sure they don’t over-exert themselves in this weather.

So how can we make sure our dogs get the exercise they need when the temperature is so high? Below are some different ideas for exercise and play that will keep you and your dog happy and cool even when the weather is a bummer.

1. Take Walks Early in the Morning or Late in the Evening

The coolest part of the day is often early in the morning just before the sun has come up, and temperatures tend to stay cooler until a bit later into the morning. If your dog thrives on long walks or vigorous runs in the park, this would be the best time to get them in. However, early mornings don’t fit into everyone’s work schedule or lifestyle. If this is the case, you can also avoid the sun altogether and opt for a long walk later in the evening after the sun has gone down and the air and pavement have had a chance to cool off a bit. (You can also do both, just make sure you and your dog are getting enough sleep!)

2. Take a Trip to a Pet Store

If your dog just has to get out of the house during the day, try going to a dog-friendly, air-conditioned building such as a pet store. Bring a toy, and take your time.

3. Pool Time!

If you have a yard, even a teeny tiny yard like many of us row home dwellers, a kiddie pool is a great option to allow some outdoor fun and exercise for your dog. The cool water will help your pet regulate their temperature in the heat while still allowing them to romp and play. A sprinkler or hose with different nozzle settings can be fun for your dog as well.

4. Indoor Games

Not all of us have yards, schedules that allow us to beat the sun, or live close to a pet store/have a car to drive to one. So what do we do? Well, did you ever play hide and seek with your sibling because it was raining all day? Or break out the board games? Imagine something like that but for your dog. Indulge them in throwing their drooliest ball for fetch. Play tug-of-war. Get some puzzle feeders or hide some treats around the house to get them motivated and engaged. They still need exercise and enrichment when it’s hot out, and we can still give it to them even if it takes some imagination.

5. For the Dog that Needs to Go Outside

Alright, you did your best to exhaust your dog indoors, but this friend absolutely needs to go outside even though it’s 100 degrees with 80% humidity. If your dog simply refuses to be accommodated by this list, you will need: a frozen washcloth or wet towel, a big bottle of water, and a collapsible dog bowl. Keep your dog’s paws and belly cool and damp to help with thermoregulation, stop for water breaks as much as you need to, and try to avoid hot concrete that’s directly in the sun. Good luck, and get back indoors ASAP!


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